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Wine glasses, beer, craft beer, champagner, sparkling wine, whisky, cognac, glasses for spirits - SPIEGELAU

About Kristallglasfabrik Spiegelau GmbH

Glasses for wine, beer, craft beer, champagner, sparkling wine, whisky, cognac, glasses for spirits and crystal glass from SPIEGELAU
Weingläser, Biergläser, Spirituosengläser, Kristallglas, hohe Qualität, hohe Bruchsicherheit, spülmaschinenfest

Information how to contact us:
Email us today
+49 (0) 9602/30 0
+49 (0) 9602/30 11 00
Contact us
Postal address:

Kristallglasfabrik Spiegelau GmbHz. hp Mr. Dipl.-Kfm. Alois KaufmannHauptstraße 2 - 4
94518 Spiegelau
Germany • Bayern • Freyung-Grafenau

Product- / search words:

Wine glasses beer craft beer champagner sparkling wine whisky cognac

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